Thursday, October 19, 2006

Homosexual Groups Gather in Big Bucks

No surprises here. Big-time gay activists are busting the bank right now to push their efforts over the top- its a torrent...

Today's Rocky Mountain News reports a huge cash infusion into gay activist groups which are pushing forward Referendum I and the defeat of Amendment 43.

The recipients are Coloradans for Fairness and Equality, a gay activist group, which has been in Colorado for five years. It is the main advocate for Referendum I. A new group, "Don't Mess with Marriage," is another lefty gay rights group specifically targeting the marriage amendment effort.

Both groups go hand in glove with each other and their efforts are underwritten by gay and liberal benefactors such as Tim Gill and Patricia Stryker, who are dumping huge sums of money into these issues.

What's new is not the determination or existence of these anti-marriage groups, but the match up with big buck donors...These donations underscore the determination of homosexual activists to foist their definition of marriage upon Colorado and to secure special rights for gays.


Rocky Mountain Family Council said...

Thanks for the article. Why are we not seeing more money from the pro-marriage side?

Anonymous said...

We need to stop worrying about gay marriage. Here's a way to preserve the institution of marriage...ban DIVORCE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should stop worrying about gay marriage and think about another idea??? If you want to preserve the institution of marriage betwwen a man and a women...BAN DIVORCE!!