Thursday, February 22, 2007

Amazing Grace

Great movie, Amazing Grace- it opens on Friday, February 23rd. I hope movie fans and folks who enjoy an uplifting and redeeming movie will buy tickets for this one.

Much can be said for this film but what struck me was Wilberforce's commitment to two great causes- the ending of slavery and the reformation of his society and culture. Wilberforce accurately assessed the fact that to change the slavery laws would require changing the hearts and mind of people. But most importantly, this task would be impossible unless his own heart was transformed.

Wilberforce's pastor, John Newton, penned one of the most famous Christian hymns, Amazing Grace. Born during a fierce ocean storm, this song continues to captivate its listeners with its radical but simple message of God's grace for the sinner.

Newton and Wilberforce realized a truth- a timeless truth we need today. God in his sovereign work offers all of us amazing unmerited grace. And the grace, when sipped by a grace-seeker, not only aligns us with God it motivates us to rescue others. Grace is not limited by race, color, social standing or wealth. It flows openly to all who believe in and commit their lives to God.

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