Monday, December 21, 2009

The Great Nebraska Sell-Out

With all due respect to my Nebraskan friends, your US Senator Ben Nelson sold out.

NOw 49 other states will pay for Nebraska's medicare costs for new enrollees.

Call it a bribe, pay off, hush money or good old Chicago politics, but Senator Ben Nelson blinked, compromised his "values" and sold his vote for health care.

Here's the story.

Abortion? Federal dollars (yout tax dollars) will still pay for abortions.

Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who pushed through the restrictions in the House-passed bill, also rejected Nelson's deal. He called it "not acceptable" because it "would allow the federal government to subsidize insurance policies with abortion coverage." He said he intends to keep working to find a solution that would allow him to ultimately vote for the health care bill.

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