Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Minneapolis Tornado and the ELCA's Embrace of Homosexuality

I am not a meteorologist, but a tornado struck the Minneapolis area this week while the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) was voting to allow homosexual clergy to actively minister to it's congregations.

Coincidence? Maybe.

But it makes you pause and wonder if there wasn't a message and a forewarning in that storm. Ironically, the ELCA may be inviting a divisive internal storm upon itself, much as the Episcopalian Church of America did a decade or so ago when it went down the slippery slope of homosexual clergy.

The dagger at the throat of the ELCA is not really whether homosexuals should be clergy or not but that of scriptural authority. While some ELCA apologists will claim that homosexuality is better understood now (and should be allowed)than it was when the Bible was written, the lurking danger is the reduction of scriptural authority. Here comes the slippery slope.

What other historic Christian theologies will now be reinterpreted in light of "modern revelations"-the inerrancy and authority of scripture; the deity of Christ; the sufficiency of the atonement?

Frankly, there are more pressing issues right now for Christendom than the ordination of homosexual clergy. The Church is commanded by Jesus Christ to be a light to world: the preaching of the Gospel, the making of disciples, the promotion of justice and equality, the care of the poor and sick, etc., etc.

Noted evangelical Christian author and pastor John Piper opined that:
"The tornado in Minneapolis was a gentle but firm warning to the ELCA and all of us: Turn from the approval of sin. Turn from the promotion of behaviors that lead to destruction. Reaffirm the great Lutheran heritage of allegiance to the truth and authority of Scripture. Turn back from distorting the grace of God into sensuality. Rejoice in the pardon of the cross of Christ and its power to transform left and right wing sinners."


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