Monday, May 04, 2009

Giving Away Colorado's Election Influence

Colorado is not a large state and our ability to sway national public policy is limited.

Unfortunately, state Democrats want to give more of it away when it comes to national elections.

If House Bill 1299 becomes law, Colorado will join a pool of five other states who will award our electoral college votes (9 current votes/7 US House Reps and 2 US Senators)to the popular vote winner of a presidential election.

Our good friend, State Senator Ted Harvey wrote the following regarding this issue:

The Senate will soon debate HB 1299, a proposal to replace the Electoral College with a popular vote system for Presidential elections. This violates the spirit and the letter of the U.S. Constitution, as the founders designed our electoral system as a republic, not a pure democracy.

This bill will shift Presidential campaigns and policy towards the leftist population centers on the coasts: New York, Florida, California, and possibly Michigan. Presidential candidates will no longer have any reason to campaign in Colorado, let alone listen to the concerns particular to our state.

If House Bill 1299 passes, Colorado will become a fly-over state in Presidential elections. Our Western principles of individual liberty and responsibility will be ignored in favor of the socialist ideas popular in the liberal coastal enclaves: high taxes, unchecked government intervention, and a complete re-write of our country's basic moral values and constitutional principles.

The Democrats argue that a popular vote system will prevent another "stolen" election such as the 2000 Presidential election. What they mean is that a popular vote will give them a distinct partisan advantage in campaign season.

They ignore the fact that a popular vote will indeed repeat the 2000 election, but not in the way they imply: Americans will suffer through recounts not just in Florida, but in hundreds of counties across the nation. The results of the Presidential election will hinge not on the will of the people, but on the skill of attorneys and the partisan leanings of "nonpartisan" election judges.

If you want your Presidential vote to count, write the Senate and urge them to vote "no" on House Bill 1299, the Popular Vote bill.

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