Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Maine Affirms Traditional Marriage Definition

Defying the predictions of many, Maine voters repealed a law that had legalized homosexual marriage in this northeast state. In recent months, other New England states-New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut had joined Massachusetts in allowing gay partners to marry.

Gay marriage has now lost in every single state -- 31 in all -- in which it has been put to a popular vote. Gay-rights activists had hoped to buck that trend in Maine -- known for its moderate, independent-minded electorate -- and mounted an energetic, well-financed campaign.

However, pro-marriage forces under the banner of "Yes on 1" won the day.

Here is the story.

A couple of points to consider:

-Gay marriage has now lost in every single state -- 31 in all -- in which it has been put to a popular vote.

-Those who would argue that Jesus would have endorsed gay marriage argue from silence. Scripture is clear on the definition of marriage-Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4-5.

-Colorado passed a state constitutional amendment in 2006 defining marriage between one man and one woman.

-A vote for traditional marriage is a vote for our freedoms and liberties. As we preserve the family we preserve one of the historic hubs of freedom in our nation...

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