Monday, December 18, 2006

Should "Evangelical Lesbians" Be Given A Pass?

Sunday's Denver Post featured a front page article by reporter Eric Gorski trumpeting the "progress, peace and self-fulfillment" made by Sheila Burris, local lesbian Christian. But according to the tone of the story, most Christians and churches are still obtuse when it comes to accepting homosexuals and their lifestyles.

I just have one question. Simply, all good feelings aside, what does the Bible say about sin and in particular homosexuality? We live in a time where no one wants to hear what God has to say about all sin. Here's a good article on what the Bible says about homosexuality.

Finally, every one of us has a sin problem. Mine may be different than yours. Homosexuality is a sin according to God's Word. Many today don't want to hear this. But the fact remains that God, according to His Word, will require sin to be dealt with.

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